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Jiangxi Huangmao Industry Co.

张富华 China

  • 张富华
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Company News

Jiangxi Huangmao Industry Co., Ltd. brand is "rice enterprise".2024-06-19 16:09:41
Jiangxi Huangmao Industry Co., Ltd. brand is

Ltd. brand is "rice enterprises" in the Luling area with 11916 acres of grain fields, mainly planting cultivation of good rice-based, total investment of 122 million annual output value of 156 million yuan rice enterprises have more than one imported rice production and processing equipment, grain and oil processing production base and processing equipment and so on! There are rice, soybeans, rapeseed oil, tea oil, sorghum, potatoes, rice enterprises soy sauce white wine, rice enterprises rice, rice enterprises grain oil, rice enterprises Pu'er tea! The tea comes from thousand year old trees! There is a certain regional culture!